Busy Busy Long Weekend!

No vacation for us! No rest, no down time.
It's all about Y's upcoming birthday party!

Our weekend was all about packing the party favors, making cupcake toppers, wrapping tokens for godparents, sending out of invitations, ALL ABOUT THE PARTY!

We bought candies this weekend. I washed and sterilized all 90 spice jars! Yes, I sterilized them to make sure! I filled all ninety jars with candies and chocolates. Stick labels to the lids. It was sort of fun actually hahaha!

BOS made the cupcake toppers. We also DIY-ed the toppers. If you follow me on twitter, you most probably saw them. He sticked fifty toppers, one by one. He's OC, so it should be perfect. We even bought this scallop puncher just for this.

I bought craft boxes at National Bookstore for the godparent's tokens. It so cute! We also sent out invitations we haven't sent out yet!

We bought outfits for the day itself! Haha.. I'm tired and stressed but also can't wait for the day of the party! :D

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