Swim Diapers: Disposable or Reusable

Next month, we'll be staying in Sofitel for an overnight stay. I'm excited because my pedia gave me a go signal to take Y swimming! Yay!
Now I'm on the look out for baby swim gears. First thing on my list is a swim diaper. But I'm not sure if I'll buy disposable or reusable ones. I'm thinking of getting disposables because that may be the only time Y gets to swim, if I buy a reusable one, I may not be able to "reuse" it.
The only swim diapers that I know that can be reuse as a diaper cover is the Bummis Swimmi and I can't find a local (online) store that have this. Bummer! Do you know where I can buy this?

Other options are iPlay and Charlie Banana swim diapers which can be bought locally. Both are available at The Eco Baby Boutique. I'll just have to wait and check them out at Expo Mom. (but I can't wait anymore! I'm atat to buy na! Haha!)
iPlay Swim Diapers

Then, I saw an online seller selling Huggies Little Swimmers by piece, contacted the seller, but no reply.
I want to go the Greenhills and check out the tiangge for swimsuits for Y. I've checked Zara, SM, and Baby Company. I found cute ones but I want more choices! Rashguard is another option. Hope I can find one soon. It's still three weeks away but I don't want to cram into buying!
Any suggestions fellow mommies?

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