A Healthy Home with Lysol's Hand Soap And Disinfectant Spray for the Baby's Room

When I became a mom, I think my being OC and meticulous went overdrive! Everything needs to be clean, squeaky clean! We get paranoid and worry a lot when our kids get sick. and And I know lots of mom can relate to this.

Last week, I was invited to the press launch of Lysol's newest products and Healthy Home Campaign.
Lysol is the worldwide leader in surface care and is the leading disinfectant brand in the Philippines. Something new I learned that afternoon was cleaning is just the first step. Second step is making your home a healthy one. Lysol believes that this is something greater than cleaning. With a healthy home cleaned with Lysol, you are sure that the germs are gone!
Lysol kills 99.9%  of known germs on surfaces, hands and air inside your home

With this, Lysol launches two new house friendly cleaners, Lysol Disinfectant Spray for Baby's Room and Lysol Liquid Hand Soap.
Brand new products!

Lysol believes that our kids' room should be the safest place for our kids. It's where our kids stay for a really long time and we don't want germs playing with our little one.
Lysol's Disinfectant Spray for Baby's Room removes the source of odor causing bacteria, freshens air and safe for use on baby's stuff like toys, cribs, strollers, potties, high chairs, etc. It is baby friendly because of its soft and cool powdery smell
Cleaning the kids' toys is a task but also therapeutic! Heehee! I know some of you can also relate to this! I'm excited to use this new product!

The second new product is Lysol's first, Lysol's  Liquid Hand Soap! Lysol is a brand we trust when it comes to cleaning and disinfecting, then there's no doubt it is alright to use it to wash our hands.
Lysol's newest product! It also comes in Fresh and Skincare variant.

Y likes washing her hands. That's good right? We teach her the importance of handwashing. We don't know where their little hands went or touched and by teaching them, we are preventing our kids from getting sick.
Washing with liquid soaps is more hygienic way of washing our hands because every pump from the bottle is fresh and clean!

My take away from this event is that cleaning is only just the first step, we make a healthy home by using Lysol!
With fellow bloggers

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