Make No Mistake with Paracetamol Calpol®

Being a mom of two, there are times when I can really forget something, well a lot of things and there are things I fail to notice like messy toys under the bed or food that fell under our dining table that I missed when I swept the floor. Eeeep! There was this time when I forgot to put my alarm back on after a long vacation, I didn't wake up making Y miss school! After that incident, Y would always remind me to have my alarm on. Hahaha! Parenting is certainly not easy! Moms and dads, you are not alone in this journey. I am happy to have a support group of moms I can turn to when everything seems to be in shambles.
Toys getting mixed and messy is easy in our home especially with a boy and a girl and with no helper. Sometimes this momma can be lazy to fix them up na din! Haha!

One of the hardest part of parenting is when your kids get sick and we would always wish we could trade places with our sick kids so we'll be the one to suffer and not them. The Paracetamol Calpol® Global Survey reveals that a child's fever is a leading cause of anxiety for 84% of parents, admitting they worry about giving them the right type of medicine.
And just like first-time mom and #CalpolMakeNoMistake ambassador, Jolina Magdangal-Escueta, she only trusts Pele's pediatrician when it comes to anything related to his health. Jolina encourages us fellow moms to do the same as she - making sure our child gets only the best and the right treatment when it comes to pain and fever management.
98% of healthcare experts recommend Paracetamol (the active ingredient of Calpol®) for children with pain and fever. Paracetamol has been long trusted and prove more effective than any other over-the-counter medicine.
72% of parents think Ibuprofen and Paracetamol are equally safe for children. Paracetamol has fewer interactions wit other medicines and fewer potential side effects. Calpol® doesn't contain, aspirin or ibuprofren!

When it comes to giving medicine to my kids (any kind of medicine for that matter), I always make sure I am the one administering it to them. Calpol®'s range includes infant drops and suspensions, in orange (0-2 years, 6 years+) and strawberry (2-6 years) flavor. I always check their baby book for the right dosage (if we have been to the doctor the current month) or I consult a dosage calculator with my kids' current age and weight. I'm glad Paracetamol Calpol® sent me a dosing wheel! It takes the guesswork away, making sure I make no mistake!
This dosage wheel is such a big help!
Check out Calpol@ Philippines Make No Mistake video!
For more information on Paracetamol Calpol®, visit!

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